We're back! Updates and MAGWest 2024

King and Kingettes, we're back!

It's been a while since April, but we've been hard at work in development for Board of the Kings.

We've had some major changes, so let's go over those first. First, our previous team leader, David, had to step back and take a break. We love David so we'll welcome him back with open arms once he's able to return.

In more positive news, we've welcomed a new team member! Dan of Snackrifyce and Kobold Tactics has joined our team as our artist! We're thrilled to have him on and hoping this partnership continues to find success!

Now let's get on to the news.



After the previous success we enjoyed last year at MAGWest, we're happy to let everyone know we'll be back this year as well! We know it's pretty short notice, only three weeks away (September 27th-29th), but we'll do our best to fill you all in on everything we've been working on, things we have for the show, and things we're hoping to have for the show as well. Stay tuned!

We'll be more active on our social media once again while we get things rolling, so we thank you once again for your continued support of our project. Our project only has legs because of the positive feedback we continue to receive, so please support us as we continue development.

Go Team Checkmate!

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