MAGWest Preparation: Final Week!

Hello all! We had planned on making an additional post before MAGWest but we got so caught up on preparing for MAGWest, we actually lost track of time! What we do plan to show today is a big one though.

This is maybe our biggest update yet and something we looked to get into the game sooner, but due to time constraints and everything, we've only been slowly chipping away, but we've finally got it in: a fully playable Adventure/Campaign mode!

While it's currently rather barebones, with a lot of the more complex features being hacked in, we've still got a closer feel of what our game is intended to play like, rather than having our roguelike Tournament mode, but this is closer to the RPG we've promised.

We've left the choices completely up to the players here, giving them numerous different options to traverse our rather small demo map, but hopefully enough to make people want to keep playing! If you're going to be at MAGWest this weekend, please give it a try, and please play and leave feedback as much as possible! This is our last post before MAGWest, so we'll hope to see you there and discuss our successes and failures following the weekend. Hopefully we don't have any failures to talk about though.

With all that being said, Go Team Checkmate!

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