​ MAGWest Preparation Week 2: Tooltips!

Hello Kings and Kingettes, and happy Monday!

It's only 2 more weeks to MAGWest and we're excited to be there soon. Here's something we've been working on. Tooltips!Image

A lot of previous feedback we've received was around accessibility and readability. We understand that a game with a storied history like Chess has a lot of implied rules, so adding a new layer can complicate things, especially for players who are unfamiliar with the base game.


We've also taken liberties to use tooltips for not just things to help you understand things in-game, but also to have a little fun with it! It also helps us minimize text space by allocating it elsewhere, hopefully making things more readable. We hope you'll play our new build available at MAGWest! 

Go Team Checkmate!

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